Prolight + Sound 2025 (8th – 11th April 2025) is getting ever closer and promises to be the international highlight for professionals from the event sector. One of the highlights of the fair is the keynote and lecture programme, in which high-profile speakers share their expertise on current industry topics. From sustainable event concepts to technical innovations and creative visions – for its 30th anniversary, Prolight + Sound offers a wide range of exciting practical and forward-looking lectures.  

The Main Stage in Hall 11.0 will be a central point of contact at the upcoming event. Every day, national and international experts will present keynotes on industry-relevant topics there – with a focus on this year’s top themes: ‘ProGreen: Impulses for a more sustainable event industry’, ‘FutureScapes: Worlds of experience between immersion and AI’ and ‘MultiTech: Flexible and smart’.

New is the Theatre Stage in Hall 12.0. In addition to attractive networking opportunities, visitors can expect a first-class programme of lectures on current topics in the field of theatre and stage technology every day of the fair.

Tuesday (8th April 2025): AI revolution, female power and sustainability

The programme on the Main Stage will kick off with a keynote address by Dr. Uve Samuels, CEO and founder of the Exponential Innovation Institute.

In ‘AI: The Stage is Yours’, the renowned expert will show how artificial intelligence is revolutionising customer experiences in the event industry. He will present success patterns and current developments and provide insights into how companies can develop and scale their own AI products.

The joint keynote speech ‘Women in technical professions or women power’ by Yasi Hofer (guitarist, among others for Helene Fischer), Anouk Wipprecht (internationally renowned fashion tech designer) and Linnea Ljungmark (MD entrepreneur, ‘Women In Lighting’ ambassador) offers concentrated female power. In their lecture, they share their experiences as women in a male-dominated industry and set an important example for diversity and equal opportunities in the event industry.

Guy Bigwood, CEO of the Global Destinations Sustainability Movement, is dedicated to innovative concepts for sustainable event planning in ‘Strategies for Sustainable Events’. His keynote speech provides practical impulses for green event strategies.

On the Theatre Stage, Dave Weatherhead, President of TAIT Technologies UK Ltd., will present ‘A New Paradigm for Show Control’, a new control concept for shows that enables dynamic and non-linear processes.

In his presentation, ‘P6: Cameo’s Solution for Theatre Lighting’s Future’Stefan Czernik, Project Manager Light Technology/Research & Development Light at Adam Hall, provides insights into the new P6 Profiler and Cameo’s technical solutions for the challenges in theatre lighting.

The lecture ‘Next Generation Cable Routing’ will also be held on the Theatre Stage. Frank Schlögel, Head of Engineering Projects and Installation Service, and Sales Manager Michael Berteit will show how igus GmbH ensures safe travel and slip ring-free movement with standardised products.

Wednesday (9th April 2025): Immersive Experiences, Lighting Design, Film Production
and Multitech

How can we create meaningful, immersive experiences? In his keynote ‘Entertaining Change’, Arizona State University Professor of Practice Sven Ortel will discuss innovative concepts for merging technology and storytelling. He will also present possible solutions from his work as a designer and educator, and discuss how to prepare the next generation of event organisers for success.

The fascinating connection between physics and art is the focus of the keynote ‘Immersive Physics: Translating Cosmic Mysteries into Artistic Expression’ by Christo Squier and Chris Ball. They will be concentrating on the transformation of live data from cosmic rays into soundscapes, projections and dynamic lighting.

A highlight for film enthusiasts is the presentation by Dr. rer. pol. Michael Neubauer, M.A. Audiovisual Authors Alliance. In his lecture ‘The future of film and TV production in Germany’, he analyses current trends and future prospects for the industry.

On the Theatre StageJames Pemblington, Project Manager at TAIT Technologies, will give a presentation titled ‘Considerations for Venues Investing in a House Stage – Maximise Your ROI’, providing practical tips for venues on how to maximise their revenue opportunities.

Anke Schierenbeck, Team Leader at VisionTwo, will show in ‘No more lamps in storage? What to do? LED renovation in the theatre’, how theatres, operas and stages can be sustainably converted to LED.

The Dutch Fashion Tech designer Anouk Wipprecht inspires people worldwide with her innovative creations. In her keynote speech ‘Multitech & Robotics’ on the Theatre Stage, she will give insights into her internationally celebrated and exhibited work, in which she combines robotics, sensor technology and interactive design.

Thursday (10th April 2025): Technological evolution, theatre lighting and design integration

Music lovers can look forward to the lecture by guitarist Yasi Hofer. Her keynote speech, ‘Guitarist as a show effect?’, is an inspiring reflection on the staging of female musicians and their role in live performances.

In her talk titled ‘Empowering Creativity in the Age of Advanced Technology’, renowned lighting and digital media designer Vickie Claiborne will explore how the industry can bridge the gap between technological progress and creative talent and suggest possible solutions.

On the Theatre StageSven Ortel will discuss the deliberate use of media in plays, musicals and operas in ‘Hiding Media in Plain Sight’ – and show how a coherent, well-integrated design can be successful if it goes unnoticed.

Briony Berning, Business Development Engineer at Ayrton Lighting, explains in her presentation ‘Engineering Excellence: Ayrton’s Impact on Theatrical Lighting’ how the pursuit of accuracy makes Ayrton solutions ideal for the demanding requirements of the theatre market.

In ‘The range of energy and data transmission in event technology’, experts from Conductix-Wampfler GmbH provide an overview of solutions that have been implemented with their energy and data transmission systems.

Friday (11th April 2025): future prospects and promoting young talent

The Future Talents Day (11th April) puts the focus on industry newcomers. Young talents will be given insights into various professions in the event industry and will have the opportunity to talk to professionals.

On the Main Stage, Timon Löhr, lawyer and expert in event law, will give an overview of the legal challenges and best practices for security concepts at major events.

With its ‘Green Sessions’, the European Association of Event Centres (EVVC) will be providing new impetus for a greener event industry on all four days of the fair.

On the Theatre Stage, Samuel Sloboda, CEO of the SRS Group, will show in ‘Signal and Power Distribution at Fixed Installations and Theatres’ how modern technology can optimise signal and power distribution in fixed installations and theatres.

In her lecture ‘The Art of Lighting Design’Karla Lopez, lighting designer and creative director at Women in Lighting (WIL), will give valuable suggestions for the creative implementation of lighting concepts.

Further programme content is still in the planning stage, including for the PLS Conference. In cooperation with the German Entertainment Technology Association (VPLT), this format offers concentrated expertise on key topics of the event industry on all days of the fair – from the industry, for the industry.

The complete programme of keynotes and lectures for Prolight + Sound 2025 can be found here: Event calendar | Prolight + Sound Programme

Image courtesy of Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH/Jochen Günther.


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